Friday, April 17, 2015

Announcements Through April 21st

  • taize service WILL be held Tuesday, April 21 in CHURCH.  Spend some quiet time at the end of the day with meditation, music and scripture readings. ALL ARE  invited to attend.

    Thursday, April 30 ~ 6:30 PM to Join us at ~
    Poco and Mom’s Cantina ~ Banquet Room
    Located at 7000 E. Tanque Verde (SW Corner of Sabino Canyon) Entrees range from $7 - 12 each.  Gracias!  Reservation Sheets in back of Church

  • Please return your UTO (United Thank Offerings envelopes no later than May10th. There are extra UTO envelopes on the usher’s table. We thank you for your generosity!


    Alleluia!  The Lord is Risen indeed!  How does our money and the stewardship we exercise over it relate to the message of Easter?  It may be as simple as saying:  I believe Jesus rose from the dead.  I believe that Jesus’ risen life can be experienced in word and sacrament.  I believe Jesus intended his followers to be part of a community of faith.  I give sacrificially so that the ongoing ministry of justice, peace, and reconciliation can be lived out in Jesus’ Name.
    This year’s Special Easter Offering, of over $6,000, is for the needs of our St. Michael household – to restore the wood of our church entrance, repair our organ and to replace funds we have borrowed from ourselves the past few years to cover deficits in our annual budget.  Many faithful stewards of our parish have died in recent years.  We want to encourage many good works and outreach to the poor and homeless in our community and health promotion ministry in Guatemala, so the Discretionary Fund, Social Action, Meals Program, Food Pantry, and Guatemala Project have regular collections.  The parish supports all of these ministries.  Thank you for your faithful stewardship to our parish work.  Jesus is “indeed” risen and the Holy Spirit is moving among us!